Bridging Human Emotion with Digital Innovation

Virtual acting as AN umbrella Concept

In the field of Virtual Acting, it’s all about computer technology ‘acting’ like humans. And about humans using cutting-edge technology to create their digital characters and avatars. The Virtual Acting Initiative provides a platform for knowledge, inspiration, creation, and ethical debate. Curious about what the Initiative can do for you? Check out our services.

BAsed on a personal story
and mission

Virtual Acting originated as an initiative in 2017, fueled by Cassandra’s fascination and passion for the acting component of storytelling in Virtual Reality. Over the years, the initiative has evolved, integrating cutting-edge tools for digital humans, immersive media, and AI developments, ultimately transforming into the Virtual Acting Studio. Would you like to delve deeper into the personal story behind Virtual Acting? Explore the video or discover the vision.


Stories and creations drive innovation at the Virtual Acting Initiative and Studio. With a focus on bringing imagination into reality, Cassandra and her team of specialists actively explore, test, and develop cutting-edge technologies in the field of Virtual Acting. This process provides them with valuable insights, which they eagerly share with others through services, fostering collaboration and driving advancements in the field.

A Focus on ethics and society

The umbrella concept of Virtual Acting enables the seamless integration of a spectrum of technologies, ranging from cutting-edge innovations to those yet to be invented. By harmonizing the latest technology with acting, Cassandra and her team of specialists push the boundaries of what is humanly possible within a fictional environment. This expands creative horizons and provides insights into complex ethical issues we are facing in our rapidly changing world, along with potential answers and solutions.


In the realm of Virtual Acting, Cassandra and her team adopt a multidisciplinary and cross-industry approach, seamlessly integrating acting, technology, science, and philosophy. They prioritize an independent mindset and working style, emphasizing the importance of agility and adaptability to stay up to speed with rapid technological advancements.

Through revenue generated by services, partnerships, and the support of believers and funding, Cassandra is steadily shaping the Virtual Acting Studio with a clear mission: to craft stories that bring hope and direction to our fast-changing world, utilizing the latest innovations in acting and film technology.

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